Monday 14 March 2022


Green tea has been praised for its health advantages for millennia. Green tea use has been shown to improve skin health, aid weight reduction, and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease in research.

Green tea is made from the Camellia sinensis plant. The dried leaves and leaf buds of this plant are used to manufacture a variety of teas, including black and oolong teas.

Furthermore, the Camellia sinensis leaves are steamed and pan-fried before being dried to make green tea. Because green tea isn't fermented, it may keep essential chemicals called polyphenols, which are thought to be responsible for many of its health advantages.

BIOAYURVEDA GREEN TEA CAPSULE is one such product in the market, which can help you gain all the positive benefits of the element.

Let us now take a look at the various advantages that Green Tea Capsule has to offer.

Advantages Of Green Tea Capsules

Weight Loss Management

The capacity of green tea extract to accelerate weight loss is its most well-known health advantage. Green tea tablets are abundant in antioxidants such as with elements like tea catechins, flavonoids, and polyphenols.

Catechins increase the rate of metabolism. This helps the body produce fatty acids, which it then turns into energy. These compounds effectively force the body to burn existing fat reserves in order to generate energy. Catechins can help you lose weight, especially if you take a lot of them, like in green tea capsules.

Green tea or green tea capsule can help you lose weight, while the advantages are more evident for some people than for others. Green tea can help boost fat oxidation and reduce body fat by speeding up the effects of thermogenesis. These fat burner capsules, when used in conjunction with a good diet and exercise routine, may help you maintain a healthy weight.

Improvement In Heart Health

Because of its anti-inflammatory qualities, green tea extract may help to prevent heart disease. Green tea includes antioxidants that assist to prevent inflammation, which can contribute to high blood pressure and blocked arteries, both of which are cardiovascular disease risk factors.

The mobility of blood cells inside arteries is reduced when blood vessels become inflamed. This causes tighter, more easily blocked passageways, which can lead to heart attacks and blood clots. Green tea antioxidants help to keep arteries open and clean by reducing inflammation.

Hence, when combined with their anti-inflammatory characteristics, green tea capsules may help to prevent major heart disease and lessen your risk of a heart attack.

Cancer Prevention

Green tea drinking has also been associated with the prevention of cancers of the lung, colon, esophagus, mouth, stomach, small intestine, kidney, pancreas, and mammary glands, among others.

Its components have antioxidant, antimutagenic, and anticarcinogenic properties, suggesting that they may protect people from cancer caused by environmental toxins.

Well, while green tea may help prevent cancer, additional study is needed to evaluate the tablets' components and performance. Researchers haven't figured out how many mg of green tea extract are required to have cancer-preventive benefits.

Harmful influence

There is an element of caffeine present in green tea. Caffeine in green tea might create adverse effects. Anxiety, tremors, impatience, and sleeping issues are some of these symptoms. If you're sensitive to caffeine or use big dosages, this is more probable. Green tea has fewer side effects than other caffeine-containing beverages. This is due to the fact that the leaves are steeped for a shorter period of time.

Green tea's fluoride concentration may assist to prevent tooth decay. Tannic acid, on the other hand, is present in tea. Teeth may become stained as a result of this.

Therefore, a minimal of one and a maximum of two green tea capsules are recommended in a day, to avoid certain side effects that may cause more harm than benefits.

In case you have any other queries about the product, you can contact our team at BIOAYURVEDA and we will be more than happy to assist you!!

Final Thoughts!!

Green tea capsules may aid in weight loss, body composition balance, and cancer, heart disease, and neurological disease risk reduction. They may also assist healthy persons in improving their overall health. Its antioxidant content may aid in skin health and the prevention of some cancers, such as skin cancer. Also, green tea capsules have less caffeine than a cup of black or oolong tea, so they're safe to take in the middle of the day.

So, whether you choose to steep tea bags in lukewarm water or easily pop a herbal supplement into your mouth, a cup of green tea will appeal to you. 

To avoid major side effects, limit yourself to 2 to 3 cups of green tea per day and observe the instructions when using green tea capsules weight loss.

“Tea is wealth itself because there is nothing that cannot be lost, no problem that will not disappear, no burden that will not float away, between the first sip and the last.” – The Minister of Leaves

Tuesday 22 February 2022


Diabetes is a disease that now affects everyone. It's especially difficult for diabetics to maintain a close eye on their sugar balance levels and resist the impulse to eat sweets or consume sugar. Diabetes, on the other hand, may be managed to a degree with the correct supplements.

One of which to mention here is BIOAYURVEDA BIO DIABLESS CAPSULE


BIO Diabless Capsule is a proprietary blend of organic herbs and natural nutrients intended to assist sugar balance and control cholesterol levels. It is beneficial in the treatment of both forms of diabetes. It modulates insulin secretion and enhances pancreatic and hepatic functioning. It increases glucose uptake and utilization by enhancing enzymatic function. It clears obstructions in the circulatory system and regulates blood pressure and cholesterol levels.



Amla is a traditional treatment that may help maintain a constant sugar balance and reduce blood sugar increases after meals. Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, is commonly used as a general tonic and a topical therapy for skin, hair, and other disorders. The bitter-sour deliciousness of amla can be enjoyed fresh or as amla ka murabba, a sweetened and preserved delicacy.


It enhances glucose metabolism in the blood.

It balances sugar levels.

It keeps toxic buildup at bay.

Its antioxidant-rich composition decreases cell insulin resistance and aids in the treatment of diabetic symptoms.


Turmeric may have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, which are variables that appear to have a role in diabetes, according to scientists. As a result, they feel that turmeric may be the best food for diabetes control.


It aids in the detoxification process.

It's a natural antioxidant and, as a result, a natural healer.

It assists in the removal of obstructions.

It helps to lower blood sugar levels.


Jambosine and jambolana are two components found in jamun seeds. The conversion of starch to sugar is slowed by these compounds. As a result, when the starch in the food is digested, the risk of a quick spike in blood sugar levels is reduced.

Insulin levels in type 2 diabetics are too low to impact blood glucose levels. This might be due to the insulin being generated degrading quickly. Jamun seeds guarantee that there is adequate insulin by either boosting its production or preventing it from degrading too quickly.


It boosts your defenses.

It aids in the control of blood sugar levels.

It works as a natural blood cleanser.

It is used to treat renal problems.


Bitter gourd has a substance that works similarly to insulin.Indeed, the terms Karela and diabetes are commonly interchanged! In both type I and type II diabetes, it lowers blood glucose levels. Because a glass of karela juice is so beneficial, diabetics may need to cut their medication dosage.


It keeps diabetes under control.

It cleanses the blood.

It promotes the health of the liver.

It strengthens the immune system.

Now, one might think that, is it true that dietary supplements can help you manage your diabetes?If you're like most diabetes patients, you're probably wondering whether the advertising you've ever seen or overheard is true. Take a few moments to explore if diabetes and dietary supplements are a suitable match — or a recipe for disaster.

What Are Diabetic Supplements and How Do They Work?

Vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional components such as herbs are examples of essential supplements. These essential supplements can occasionally help patients with certain health issues, such as diabetes, get more nourishment. Most diabetics, meanwhile, will need to continue taking their usual prescription drugs to keep the sugar balance levels in check. These supplements are known to be the  best food for diabetes control.

Hence, Diabetes management may be difficult. Connecting with others who are dealing with the same issue, on the other hand, can be quite beneficial.

And that is where BIOAYURVEDA comes in. 

At BIOAYURVEDA, a luxury ayurveda brand, the whole of our goods are chemical-free and synthetic-free and are 100 percent organic and natural. We provide a whole ecosystem for resolving lifestyle difficulties and facilitating self-care with the power of ancient Ayurveda in the current setting, with international quality certifications.

We are dedicated to maintaining the quality and potency of our products. Our proprietary blends provide long-term stability and synergy, allowing for instant alleviation and action in conjunction with dietary and lifestyle adjustments for maximum nutrition, recovery, and well-being.

In the end, Diabetes is no exception to the comprehensive approach used by Ayurveda to any ailment or condition. Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder in which the body's ability to balance sugar levels is impaired, leading to hyperglycemia with glucose in the urine.

Dietary planning and lifestyle adjustments are two of the most prevalent habits and techniques for managing diabetes.

It's easy to get into negative habits in today's frantic world. The hectic habit can lead to physical problems such as hypertension, heart attacks, emotional binge eating, and high cholesterol as a result of the stress. Both of these indications lead to the development of diabetes; but, by taking charge of your routine and choosing good lifestyle choices, you can postpone the disorder's start.

Monday 17 January 2022

Shilajit Capsule with Ashwagandha Capsule - A One-Stop-Solution For Viruses And Infections!!

Winters are here and you will get a cough, cold & flu are common causes, it is better to add ashwagandha capsules. This is not about common regular diseases, but again, the COVID-19 explosion has undoubtedly given us all time for introspection to look at the quality of our lives and how little we are really concerned about giving attention to ourselves. 

While ‘self-preservation’ is an instinct for all living beings, we humans have forgotten that healthful living is the most pleasing way to achieve that goal. However, with multiple lockdowns and the lack of a COVID-19 medicine, we are now forced to think beyond our mundane pattern and realize that the addition of a shilajit capsule in the diet is necessary. 

Your immune system performs to identify and specify an infection or injury in the body. This induces an immune response, with the purpose of repairing normal function. People think that when they get sick, their symptoms are an indication that they have a virus or an infection. However, your symptoms are actually a sign that your body is fighting back against the infection or virus, activating an immune response. And to build up that immune strong to act original shilajit is perfect to use.

Let's Take a Glance at the Ashwagandha & Shilajit Benefits:

  1. Shilajit for Fatigue- Shilajit helps to relieve fatigue because of its Balya (strength provider) and Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties. It also helps countercheck Kapha and thus reduces fatigue.

  2. Shilajit for Alzheimer's disease- Shilajit helps to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease by counterbalancing Vata dosha. It also has Rasayana (rejuvenating) property that lessens the weakness of the nervous system and enhances its functioning.

  3. Shilajit for Respiratory tract infection- shilajit uses to balance Vata-Kapha and clear the obstruction in the respiratory route. It also helps to boost immunity in fighting against infection because of its Rasayana (rejuvenating) property.

  4. Shilajit for Hypoxia- Shilajit is known as Yogavahi, which implies it can improve the absorption of elements like iron as well as improve the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.

Benefits Of Ashwagandha:

  1. Ashwagandha for Stress- Taking Ashwagandha powder helps in balancing Vata and thus declines the symptoms of stress.

  2. Ashwagandha for Diabetes mellitus (Type 1 & Type 2)- Ashwagandha performs on both types of therapies by balancing Vata and Kapha dosha. Take 1 ashwagandha capsule twice a day with milk or warm water after 2 hours of meals along with your existing treatment.

  3. Ashwagandha for Hypertension- Stress or anxiety is also a basic cause of hypertension and taking Ashwagandha helps to reduce stress or anxiety and thus prevent high blood pressure.

  4. Ashwagandha for Weight Management- Ashwagandha reduces the level of cortisol and lowers stress-induced cravings. This helps in better weight management

BIOAYURVEDA SHUDH SHILAJIT CAPSULE is an Ayurvedic dose to empower the immune system. Enriched with an antioxidant herb that supports heart health by lowering heart rates and breathing rates. It is a fabulous oral dose that helps in enhanced nervine and brain functioning. Regular intake of herbal capsules having high immunity and energy levels offers supreme and lasting protection against the onset of many illnesses. Buy pure shilajit work as a powerful tonic for rejuvenation, known as the elixir of youth.

BIOAYURVEDA ASHWAGANDHA Capsule is an Ayurvedic oral capsule with multiple health benefits. Enriched with immunity booster herbs that help to calm nervous mental energy, counters stress, and stabilize hormonal activity. It is a fabulous herbal capsule that further enhances muscle strength, improves joint mobility, enables fat metabolism, and engenders sustained strength and stamina. Regular intake of oral capsules supports heart health and also helps in the management of diabetes. With ashwagandha capsule price empowers immunity and helps to overall energize and revitalize bodily functions.

BIOAYURVEDA has an exotic range of Ayurvedic supplements and an immunity booster superfood that enhances your natural immunity. You can also feel the luxurious Ayurveda with the BIOAYURVEDA by visiting our official website

Thursday 9 December 2021

A Sumptuous Odor & Unique Blended Taste

Spices are the heart and soul of Indian food, dishes without spices we cannot even imagine. They are a significant part of an Indian kitchen. Spices not only just stimulate taste buds and make the food delicious but are also constituted of a majestic list of phytonutrients, antioxidants, essential oils, minerals, and vitamins that are quintessential for overall wellness. ayurvedic products from nature have always been an essential part of our food and today, even become more relevant for us. 

Adding spices to our diet not only enhances the taste but also boosts the health and immunity of the body. Spices contain an active list of plant-derived chemical compounds that have disease preventing and health-promoting properties. Their anti-inflammatory, carminative, anti-flatulent properties help to build or strengthen immunity.

The crucial volatile oils in certain spices (cloves, peppers, etc.) may work as a rubefacient that calms skin around the site of applying and promotes the local blood circulation, strengthening the movement of blood to make the skin feel warmer. Now, you can add clove to your diet or in other use through clove online shopping

Benefits Of Clove: 

Promotes Digestion

Cloves promote digestion by inciting enzyme secretions and boosting digestive motility. Cloves are best used for relieving flatulence, gastric irritability, dyspepsia, and nausea.

Controls Diabetes

Cloves are the best spices for people with high blood sugar levels. It has been found that cloves enhance insulin sensitivity and aids in the adequate functioning of insulin.

Relieves Toothache

Clove oil is an effective remedy for dental pain, sore gums, toothaches, and mouth ulcers because of its germicidal properties.

Benefits Of Ajwain

Brings Down Blood Pressures

Ajwain reduces blood pressure, decreasing the chances of having stroke and heart disease. Thymol, present in ajwain seeds, behaves similarly to calcium-channel blockers.

Enhances Cholesterol Levels

When adding ajwain for weight loss, bring down triglyceride and cholesterol levels in the body. Essential amounts of these compounds improve the chances of suffering from heart disease. Using ajwain improves HDL levels (good cholesterol) in your body.

Excellent Anti-inflammatory Properties

Ajwain has anti-inflammatory properties which can benefit in reducing long-term or chronic inflammation induced by conditions like cancers.

Benefits Of Cardamom

Prevent Infection & Flu- Cardamom is packed with antioxidants to help in curing colds and coughs and certain respiratory problems. Add some pod in water at night along with honey and drink this cardamom tea as a powerful natural remedy for flu. 

Aids digestion: Cardamom helps in curing stomach problems like indigestion, gas, and constipation. It carries chemicals that build the movement of food through the intestine.

Counteracts bad breath: The fresh and sweet aroma of cardamoms helps to make it a natural breath freshener. Cineole is a principal component of cardamom oil that promotes oral hygiene and also combats bacteria that cause bad breath.

The above benefits are enough to tell you that how these spices are great for your health. Shop with the best cardamom price in Delhi.

BIOAYURVEDA Cardamom Green is packed with natural aroma and taste. It imparts a unique taste and aroma to the dish like kheer, halwa, and other dessert & dishes. The seeds, oils, and extracts of cardamom are thought to have impressive medicinal properties and have been used in traditional medicine. It increases the circulation of blood within the lungs, thereby aiding in relieving the symptoms of breathing problems like asthma, cold, and cough. 

BIOAYURVEDA Ajwain seeds are packed with the selected beads of ajwain with a pungent and slightly bitter taste with a distinctive aroma. Our natural organic Ajwain is often used for tadka in Indian cooking. It is also a good preservative used in pickles. Organic ajwain can be used as a digestive, chew a handful of it raw, and drink a glass of warm water over it for ingestion and constipation. Ajwain oil also helps ease rheumatic pain. BIOAYURVEDA Ajwain seeds are available at the best ajwain price.

BIOAYURVEDA Clove is an aromatic and flavorful spice, used in various cuisines globally. In Indian cuisine, it lends a hand to chutneys and many pickle dishes and also becomes a major ingredient in many rice recipes such as pullo and biryani. Have an assertive, dark aroma that is warm and rich. It is a very healthy spice that helps to heal skin infections, aid digestion, boost immunity, and helps control blood pressure. It works as a painkiller and is widely used in the dental industry. 

BIOAYURVEDA has launched its new ayurvedic product line into organic and nutrient-rich grocery online shopping. If you want to make your meal fresh and chemical-free, then add unpolished protein-rich pulses, highly selected, and delicious taste to the food with spices and nutrition enriched dry fruits. Our products are entirely organic and highly selected with tight & reusable packaging. Learn more on our website

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Scrub Can Be Your Best Secret Of Nourishing And Glowing Skin

The natural glow revealing off your face speaks volumes about your health, your lifestyle, and your skincare regime. Simply following a CTM (cleanse, tone and moisturize) every morning and night can do surprises for your skin. Thus, try our face scrub cream

Scrubbing is the most underrated skincare because of some myths- it could be harsh to the skin, cause dryness, and discard off new skin cells. But it is not like that using a cleanser twice a day helps clean most of the dirt and impurities from your face. However, it’s not very effective in removing deep-seated impurities and dead skin cells. That’s where a scrub cream comes in beneficial. Unlike a regular soap or cleanser, a face scrub has small particles, beads, or chemicals that exfoliate these dead cells, making way for new ones.

Scrubbing is not confined to the face, only even the body needs regular care of exfoliation. If your skin feels dry and dull, then exfoliation is the best option with body scrub cream.

Body scrubs are exfoliant that physically removes dead skin cells from the outer layer of your skin with abrasive ingredients. This stimulates skin cell turnover, resulting in smoother, brighter skin and possibly preventing dull skin.

Before onto the natural face polishing cream, first look into why we need to scrub our skin:

  1. Remove Our Dead Skin- Eventually, dead skin cells get pile up on the body. Scrubbing is important to enhance skin texture and color. The best way to support the look of the skin is to exclude any build-up of old dry flaky skin.

  1. Acne Is A Concern- Acne under the neckline is an important topic of discussion and most people do suffer from it in all areas of the body. Exfoliating helps to remove the dead skin build-up and washes out the blocked pores on our backs and chest, so scrub away!

  1. Enhance The Skin Absorption- Once the dead skin layer is rinsed off from the skin; the skin is more easily able to absorb the products that you apply. Serums, facemasks, creams, and other skincare products easily get penetrated faster and deeper into your skin after exfoliation because dead skin cells act as a barrier between your skin and the products you use.

  1. Curb Ingrown Hair- Ingrown hair is painful and certainly an evil sight. Thus, removing dead skin helps the hair to reach the surface and not grow back into the skin, causing painful and ugly red sores which can scar and leave a darker spot. Exfoliation also helps from blackheads that block the skin permeation and cause acne. 

  1. Unclog The Pores- Pores tend to look deeper and larger from the accumulation of oil and sebum in the skin. Using a face scrub will remove all the dead and dry skin cells and other pollutants from flowing into your pores by causing blackheads and whiteheads. It unclogs the pores, making skin look young and fresh.

  1. Even-Out The Skin Tone- Surely be frustrating is dark spots, irregular texture of the skin, and pigmentation. The exfoliants in your face scrub break down and remove dry skin and dead skin. It also smoothens the skin texture. This makes your skin look more uniform and even-toned. 

  1. Increase Cell Turnover- Scrubbing your face with scrub cream boosts cell turnover, which in turn enhances skin radiance. So greetings to fresh-looking, ultra dewy skin. Cell turnover is the array by which skin cells mature and rise to drive the existing dead cells out of the way. Weekly exfoliating your skin can stimulate cell turnover, which leaves your skin looking young and healthy.

Most of the exfoliators are enriched with abrasive beads or ingredients that may dry the skin or even tear the pores and damage them. To overcome this problem, switch to natural or herbal facial scrub cream. It will nourish your skin and wipe out the deep-seated impurities or dead skin gently. 

BIOAYURVEDA AGE PERFECT POLISHING FACE SCRUB CRÈME is an Ayurvedic face scrub cream that is formulated to revitalize, refresh, and exfoliate. Enriched with the detoxifying, deep nourishing herbs that further unclog the pores and clean up blackheads. A gentle massage helps to remove dead cells, increase circulation, enable repair, and correct uneven skin tone. It is a fabulous herbal face scrub that facilitates cellular regeneration.

BIOAYURVEDA DEEP DETOX BODY SCRUB CRÈME is an herbal detox body scrub crafted with special gentle detoxifying herbal beads and nourishing natural oils to rejuvenate the skin and reinvigorate circulation for a firmer tone. It is a fabulous Ayurvedic body scrub that exfoliates deeply, reducing dead cells and nourishing them with wholesome extracts. A gentle massage all over the body helps promote cell renewal for vibrant & healthy skin.

BIOAYURVEDA is a premium Ayurvedic luxury brand that has an exotic range of Ayurvedic skincare and health-related products with holistic, organic formulation. If you want to feel the Ayurvedic luxury, then visit our website

Friday 10 September 2021


    स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्य रक्षणं, आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमनं। (चरक संहित सूत्र ३०।२६​)

           svasthasya svāsthya rakṣaṇaṃ, āturasya vikāra praśamanaṃ।

Ayurveda Shastra aims at keeping a healthy person healthy and managing or curing diseases

(mind, body, or both) that manifest in a person.

The word immunity means the state of defense from contagious disease. It is all about balancing healthy living. As per Ayurveda, the body’s overall capacity (Bala and Ojas) can be strengthened by good nourishment, adopting a healthy lifestyle, proper sleep, and adequate exercise. 

In the wake of the COVID-19 explosion, complete humankind across the globe is suffering. Enhancing the body’s natural defense system (immunity) plays an important role in maintaining optimum health. And while taking care of the immunity, nothing better than the ayush immunity booster tablet

Ayurveda has always insisted on enhancing the body’s overall natural resistance to the disease-causing agent rather than directly compensating the agent itself. Interestingly, body immunity is recognized as Sahajabala or natural immunity (genetic and inborn resistance) Kalajabala (seasonal or age-related), and Yuktikrutabala (Modulated by diet, exercise, regimen, and immunomodulators -rasayanas). The Ayurvedic therapeutic agents and applications specific selection is based on certain individual genetic characteristics known as Dosha Prakriti types (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). Ayurveda boasts of many medicinal plants which can enhance body immunity like Tulasi, Sounth, Dalchini, and Kali Mirch. The perfect blend of these herbs helps to achieve better health immunity.

BIOAYURVEDA Ayush Kwath is a perfect blend of the above-given herbs (Tulasi, Sounth, Dalchini, and Kali Mirch). Ayush Kwath Immunity Tablet is a potent Ayurvedic formulation for strengthening immunity and fighting infections. It is a fabulous herbal oral formulation with potent anti-oxidants and strong anti-inflammatory action that combats germs, bacteria, viruses, pathogens, and allergens. One or two capsules in a day help to empower respiratory functioning, releasing toxins and stress, and enabling cellular repair and recovery to boost energy and builds immunity.

Ayurveda perceives your food as medicine: as you eat, so you are. It offers dietary and lifestyle advice as also an extensive range of formulations for internal consumption and the external application made from natural herbs and nutrients for enabling and accompanying us to sustain our balance and harmony in the difficulties of life.

The traditional Ayurveda works on the root of the disease and cures it permanently. Contending the infectious diseases has to be done at various stages like stopping the continuation, building immunity against diseases using various measures. And natural supplements are the best way to deal with the infection as it boosts the overall immunity through the natural herbs Ayush 64 Tablets Online

BIOAYURVEDA Ayush 64 Anti-malarial Immunity Tablet is a potent Ayurvedic formulation for fever and anti-malarial protection. This herbal oral formulation is enriched with powerful germicidal herbs like Latakaranja, Kutki, Chirayata, and Saptaparni that combats malarial parasites, prevents worm infestations, fights virulent pathogens, and safeguards against fever, flu, and fatigue. Ayush 64 tablet benefits are not limited to detoxifies and rejuvenates energy and strength, but also a potent immuno-stimulant that empowers the body’s resilience against infections and boosts overall immunity.

BIOAYURVEDA is the premium Ayurvedic brand that understands each herb’s value and works on health and wellness offering completely natural and organic products. BIOAYURVEDA served best and made their products in a high pharmacy grade quality facility that is certified by the AYUSH Ministry. The production processes uphold the highest standards of hygiene, quality, safety, and sustainability. You can also feel the luxurious Ayurveda with the BIOAYURVEDA by downloading our BIOAYURVEDA App or Visit our official website