स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्य रक्षणं, आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमनं। (चरक संहित सूत्र ३०।२६)
svasthasya svāsthya rakṣaṇaṃ, āturasya vikāra praśamanaṃ।
Ayurveda Shastra aims at keeping a healthy person healthy and managing or curing diseases
(mind, body, or both) that manifest in a person.
The word immunity means the state of defense from contagious disease. It is all about balancing healthy living. As per Ayurveda, the body’s overall capacity (Bala and Ojas) can be strengthened by good nourishment, adopting a healthy lifestyle, proper sleep, and adequate exercise.
In the wake of the COVID-19 explosion, complete humankind across the globe is suffering. Enhancing the body’s natural defense system (immunity) plays an important role in maintaining optimum health. And while taking care of the immunity, nothing better than the ayush immunity booster tablet.
Ayurveda has always insisted on enhancing the body’s overall natural resistance to the disease-causing agent rather than directly compensating the agent itself. Interestingly, body immunity is recognized as Sahajabala or natural immunity (genetic and inborn resistance) Kalajabala (seasonal or age-related), and Yuktikrutabala (Modulated by diet, exercise, regimen, and immunomodulators -rasayanas). The Ayurvedic therapeutic agents and applications specific selection is based on certain individual genetic characteristics known as Dosha Prakriti types (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). Ayurveda boasts of many medicinal plants which can enhance body immunity like Tulasi, Sounth, Dalchini, and Kali Mirch. The perfect blend of these herbs helps to achieve better health immunity.
BIOAYURVEDA Ayush Kwath is a perfect blend of the above-given herbs (Tulasi, Sounth, Dalchini, and Kali Mirch). Ayush Kwath Immunity Tablet is a potent Ayurvedic formulation for strengthening immunity and fighting infections. It is a fabulous herbal oral formulation with potent anti-oxidants and strong anti-inflammatory action that combats germs, bacteria, viruses, pathogens, and allergens. One or two capsules in a day help to empower respiratory functioning, releasing toxins and stress, and enabling cellular repair and recovery to boost energy and builds immunity.
Ayurveda perceives your food as medicine: as you eat, so you are. It offers dietary and lifestyle advice as also an extensive range of formulations for internal consumption and the external application made from natural herbs and nutrients for enabling and accompanying us to sustain our balance and harmony in the difficulties of life.
The traditional Ayurveda works on the root of the disease and cures it permanently. Contending the infectious diseases has to be done at various stages like stopping the continuation, building immunity against diseases using various measures. And natural supplements are the best way to deal with the infection as it boosts the overall immunity through the natural herbs Ayush 64 Tablets Online.
BIOAYURVEDA Ayush 64 Anti-malarial Immunity Tablet is a potent Ayurvedic formulation for fever and anti-malarial protection. This herbal oral formulation is enriched with powerful germicidal herbs like Latakaranja, Kutki, Chirayata, and Saptaparni that combats malarial parasites, prevents worm infestations, fights virulent pathogens, and safeguards against fever, flu, and fatigue. Ayush 64 tablet benefits are not limited to detoxifies and rejuvenates energy and strength, but also a potent immuno-stimulant that empowers the body’s resilience against infections and boosts overall immunity.
BIOAYURVEDA is the premium Ayurvedic brand that understands each herb’s value and works on health and wellness offering completely natural and organic products. BIOAYURVEDA served best and made their products in a high pharmacy grade quality facility that is certified by the AYUSH Ministry. The production processes uphold the highest standards of hygiene, quality, safety, and sustainability. You can also feel the luxurious Ayurveda with the BIOAYURVEDA by downloading our BIOAYURVEDA App or Visit our official website https://bioayurveda.com
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